Over 100,000 women in Texas have tried to give themselves an abortion, study finds

Hundreds of thousands of women in Texas women may have tried to self-induce abortions, according to a “first of its kind” study from the Texas Policy Evaluation Project (TxPEP). The…

Hundreds of thousands of women in Texas women may have tried to self-induce abortions, according to a “first of its kind” study from the Texas Policy Evaluation Project (TxPEP).

The study found that between 100,000 and 240,000 women have tried self-induction, and that these high rates of self-induction could be higher in Texas than other U.S. states. Latina and poor women were found to be more likely to have gone to this desperate measure.

One of the primary factors at work, according to the researchers: legislation that restricts access to clinical abortions. Another: the ready availability of abortion-inducing drugs just on the other side of the U.S./Mexico border.

More in a report by Austin's KUT.org.

Rates were highest for women in Texas who identify as Latina and live near the border.

Self-induced abortion by medication was the most commonly reported method among respondents. Other methods reported include: the use of herbs or alternative medicine; use of alcohol or illicit drugs; getting hit or punched in the abdomen; and the use of hormonal pills.

The results of the study come just after an announcement from the U.S. Supreme Court that it would take on a case challenging the constitutionality of the Texas state law known as HB 2, which would apply stricter standards to women’s health clinics that provide abortion services and leave Texas with just nine abortion providers statewide.

"At Least 100,000 Texas Women Have Attempted to Self-Induce Abortion, Study Finds" [KUT News, TX]