Animal Upon Animal – A super cute, fun kid's game that adults can also enjoy

See more photos at Wink Fun. Animal Upon Animal is a dice-rolling and stacking game where you take 7 animals and roll a die that determines how you take your…

See more photos at Wink Fun.

Animal Upon Animal is a dice-rolling and stacking game where you take 7 animals and roll a die that determines how you take your turn and how you need to stack those pieces upon the animals that have come before.

It’s not quite as simple as just stacking. The die faces range from widening the base that starts with the big green alligator, to handing off pieces to other people who then have to stack them. Another face has players telling you which piece you’ll have to place on the remarkably unstable pile of animals growing in the middle of your table. The other faces are numbers of pieces that you can place. If you topple the tower, you have to take at most 2 of the pieces. First player to exhaust their set of animals wins.

While it’s marketed as a children’s game, and I’ve played it as such (my 3-year-old daughter destroyed me), I’ve also played it with adults, and it was just as fun. There’s a great equalizer in stacking games that tiny fingers turn out to be more dexterous than you’d think. The pieces are of the great quality that you would expect from HABA games but with enough curved edges to make them difficult to stack.

– James Orr

Animal Upon Animal – A super cute, fun kid's game that adults can also enjoy

Animal Upon Animal


Ages 4 and up, 2-4 players

$19 Buy a copy on Amazon