Former Police Captain Ray Lewis joins Anonymous at Million Mask March

Fmr. Police Captain Ray Lewis Joins Anonymous

Fmr. Police Captain Ray Lewis Joins Anonymous Watch this video on YouTube. Meet the Anonycop! A former Philadelphia police captain, Ray Lewis, joined the Million Mask March Thursday in Washington…

Meet the Anonycop!

A former Philadelphia police captain, Ray Lewis, joined the Million Mask March Thursday in Washington D.C. Donning the Anonymous mask, Lewis participated in the march from beginning to end. Speaking to the crowd before the march began, Lewis says that his position as a former cop makes him uniquely qualified to spread Anonymous's message to mainstream America.

Lewis has participated in several other activist causes, including Occupy Wall Street and the protests in Ferguson over the death of Freddie Gray.

News2Share has released several videos and photos from yesterday's "Million Mask March" in Washington D.C.

Protestors breaking a window at the EPA headquarters:

Million Mask March Protesters Strike EPA

Anonymous fighting with security and police at Monsanto HQ:

Million Mask March Clashs Against Monsanto

Anonymous activists pausing march to give food and money to homeless man:

Anonymous Gives Money, Food to Homeless Man at Million Mask March

Highlight reel of clashes with police:

Anonymous Clashes with Police, Traffic Across D.C.

Article including full photo gallery