To do in San Francisco: Aaron Swartz Day mini-con on privacy-enabling tech

Lisa Rein writes, "While the San Francisco Aaron Swartz International Hackathon is going on downstairs at the Internet Archive, we're having a little privacy-enabling mini-conference upstairs." Both mornings start out…

Lisa Rein writes, "While the San Francisco Aaron Swartz International Hackathon is going on downstairs at the Internet Archive, we're having a little privacy-enabling mini-conference upstairs."

Both mornings start out at the beginner level, and gradually get more advanced. The last sessions for each day will be at the advanced "developer level."

On Saturday, at 10am we'll have two talks, one beginning and one more advanced, from Keybase. Then, at 1pm, EFF staff technologist Cooper Quintin will cover Privacy Badger (which is also being hacked on at the hackathon that day).

At 2pm, Micah Lee (The Intercept and Freedom of the Press Foundation) will give his "Encryption for Journalists" workshop, and will then get more advanced, with a developer level talk at 3pm, on OnionShare and SecureDrop. At 4pm, Let's Encrypt developer Brad Warren will give a developer-level talk on implementing Let's Encrypt.

On Sunday, from 11am-1pm, Alison Macrina (Library Freedom Project) will teach a beginning level privacy basics course. Then, at 2pm, Restore the 4th's Zaki Manian will cover Tor – for beginners, and at 3pm, he will provide a more advanced, developer level session, covering "the care and feeding of Tor hidden services."

The whole thing is completely free of charge, and food and beverages are also provided, so please RSVP, so we know how much food we need.

[Aaron Swartz Day]