This USB charger is powered by an electric wheelchair

Josh Winkler is the engineer & inventor behind Cripple Concepts – an innovative startup that provides assistive tech for people with disabilities, made and designed by people with disabilities. This…

Josh Winkler is the engineer & inventor behind Cripple Concepts – an innovative startup that provides assistive tech for people with disabilities, made and designed by people with disabilities.

This is Winkler's first product geared towards gadget loving power wheelchair users. After launching the KickStarter, the USB charger was well received by many in the disability community.

Josh has partnered with the Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, (where he sits on their board as VP) to help get his idea off the ground. They are hoping that with the funds raised through their Kickstarter they can employ people with disabilities to produce the chargers, and provide a living wage for members of their local disability community.

Winkler's USB project faces many of the same challenges that most consumer electronic companies face. Winkler says, "Keeping quality high without out-pricing customers is a challenge. There are similar products on the market, but at $100+ not many people can afford them." Josh is also planning the development of other products for power wheelchairs. "We are developing a cripple cooler to help keep folks with heat sensitivities cool, but power consumption has delayed the release."

Some have been critical of Josh's branding for using the term "cripple". However, Josh is quick to point out that his project is centered around the empowerment of people with disabilities, and redefining oppressive language on their own terms, is an integral part of that movement.

To learn more about these awesome charges, and help fund the project you can visit their Kickstarter here.

@JoeHall is a web head, code-poet, geek, marketer, writer, artist, part time pirate, and hot dog connoisseur. You can read more by him at