German condom maker in trouble with the law over “21 orgasms” claim

The playful condom company Einhorn is in trouble with the law over their claim that a packet of seven rubbers “corresponds to up to 21 orgasms.” The Berlin-based firm today…

The playful condom company Einhorn is in trouble with the law over their claim that a packet of seven rubbers “corresponds to up to 21 orgasms.”

The Berlin-based firm today asked a state court in Duesseldorf to overturn an injunction obtained by rival company Fair Squared which bans Einhorn from printing the claim on its condom packaging.


From the Associated Press:

Lawyers for Einhorn argued that the slogan was obviously a joke but judges indicated they weren’t minded to budge, news agency dpa reported.

Presiding Judge Johanna Brueckner-Hofmann said the slogan is “suited to deception” and could tempt people to use the condoms several times. She said “that is why we banned this.”