Adorable baby owl dancing to “Monster Mash” is 2015's official Halloween video

"Oakley" & The Oaklettes Learn to move with the Grove! Watch this video on YouTube. It's a few years old, actually, but this video of a cute baby owl "dancing"…

"Oakley" & The Oaklettes Learn to move with the Grove!

It's a few years old, actually, but this video of a cute baby owl "dancing" to a fuzzy owl-shaped comforting toy that sings “Monster Mash” is well deserving of a viral revival.

From Raptor Rehabber, 2 years ago:

Here is "Oakley" with his favorite stuffed Owl. He is always leaning against it. It gives him comfort and keeps him from stressing. It is breakfast time and When it is time to eat I do a Great Horned Owl call, just like his momma would. When he hears that call he knows it is time to eat. I am hoping to put him in with 3 other older juveniles in the next few weeks. They are pretty wild,and this way he will finish growing up with his own kind. So for now while he is still pretty young all he gets is a stuffed Owl. He is starting to see things pretty good now. We hope to release him in about 6 weeks.