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That "CIA veteran" who was always on Fox News? Arrested for lying about being in the CIA

Despite his grandiose claims to having served as “an outside paramilitary special operations officer” for the CIA from 1973 to 2000, Wayne Simmons was really a shlub who’d once done a brief military intelligence stint.

But this didn’t stop Simmons from writing books trading on his imaginary black ops experiences to explain the global war on terror, opining from a podium for the Citizens Committee on Benghazi, by-lining op-eds in Human Events, and appearing as a talking head on Fox News.

But Simmons was evidently sampling his own product: he applied for government security clearance so he could get fat security contract paychecks and he told the US Government his story about being a Secret Agent Man for the Agency. They arrested him and have charged him with fraud.

He also “defrauded a victim out of about $125,000 in a real estate-related scam.”

The 62-year-old was arrested on Thursday after a grand jury indicted him in connection to alleged misconduct, including major fraud and making false statements to the government.

The indictment said that Simmons falsely claimed on national security forms that his previous arrests and convictions were related to his CIA work and that he had held a top secret security clearance.

Fox News ‘terror expert’ Wayne Simmons arrested for lying about 27-year career as CIA officer

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