The best Canadian political ad of the season mashes up Bob Dylan and Chanie Gorkin

Did Matt Masters Burgener just quit?!?!

Did Matt Masters Burgener just quit?!?! Watch this video on YouTube. In the pending Canadian federal election, Matt Masters Burgener is running against the incumbent war-criminal, Prime Minister Stephen Harper.…

In the pending Canadian federal election, Matt Masters Burgener is running against the incumbent war-criminal, Prime Minister Stephen Harper. He conceived of a spectacular campaign ad that plays on the idea that he's a longshot

The ad looks like Bob Dylan's classic video for Subterranean Homesick Blues, in which Dylan holds and discards a series of signs in time with the song's lyrics. But it ads a twist, taken from Chanie Gorkin's viral "palindrome poem" Worst Day Ever?, which, when read from top to bottom, is a message of despair, but read from bottom to top is an exuberant denial of hopelessness.

It's a continuation of his clever Send Harper a Message guerrilla sign campaign, which encourages residents of the consituency of Calgary-Heritage to put up signs adjacent to Harper's, with political messages about Harper's political track record.

Did Matt Masters Burgener just quit?!?! [Matt Masters Burgener/Youtube]

(Thanks, Mom!)