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Trump's bullying tactics are like those of an eighth-grade girl, say experts

“He’s like an eighth-grade girl,” Rosalind Wiseman told Olivia Nuzzi of the Daily Beast. “As an educator who works with children, it’s an amazing thing to watch,” she said, “because you really wish the adults would be the adults and be able to check the person who’s abusing power and being so callous to other people.” Wiseman is the author of a book about middle-school girl bullying called Queen Bees and Wannabes, which served as the inspiration for the movie Mean Girls.

Nuzzi compiled a list of mean things Trump has said about other people:

John McCain (“not a war hero”), Jeb Bush (“low energy”), Lindsey Graham (“a beggar”), Anderson Cooper (“waste of time”), Megyn Kelly (“blood coming out of her wherever”), Juan Williams (“like a child”), Forbes magazine (“failed magazine”), The Des Moines Register (“very dishonest”), Arianna Huffington (“liberal clown”), The Weekly Standard (“small and slightly failing magazine”), Rick Perry (“should be forced to take an IQ test”), the Republican National Committee (“very foolish”), Heidi Klum (“no longer a 10”), Univision (“they are doing really badly”), The Wall Street Journal (“ever dwindling”), Carly Fiorina (“Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?”), Bobby Jindal (“I only respond to people that register more than 1 percent in the polls”), Rand Paul (“didn’t get the right gene”).

Trump might behave like a mean girl, says Wiseman, but his wealth and privilege mean that hasn’t ever had “a moment of reckoning” like most bullies do, which “gets them to reform their behavior.” Because Trump has never had to deal with any consequences for his bad behavior, he will continue to bully people.

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