Boing Boing Staging

A quirky coloring book with images of a typewriter and a giraffe with an overbite

Can you remember the childhood zen of scribbling with crayons atop the outlines of your favorite superhero? Ever wish you could go back? Well climb into your DeLorean and pick up a copy of 50 Things to Color. Appealing to your sense of nostalgia, the thick pages are filled with beautiful black and white drawings of typewriters, cassette tapes, and vintage toys. Those less sentimental (or younger) will enjoy the selection of quirky animals (a giraffe with an underbite) and edibles (decadent cupcakes, sashimi and sake). Of particular interest to those seeking stress relief are the two-page pattern spreads – slices of wood grain, a topographical map, a cityscape. Need to distract yourself from tomorrow’s epic client presentation? Try shading the intricate beads of pulp within the orange slices. If, instead, you’re hoping to decompress from the shouting match between you and your tween in the mall parking lot, I’d suggest the more gentle swoops of the floral wallpaper. Me? I have my eye on another record player.

– Elly Lonon

50 Things to Color: 50 Creative Projects to Unleash Your Coloring Skills

by Susan Hogan Tice

Apple Press

2015, 224 pages, 7.2 x 9 x 0.7 inches (paperback)

$12 Buy one on Amazon

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