Canadian candidate sorry for peeing in coffee cup

Peegate: Conservative Party candidate caught on hidden camera peeing in his customer's mug

Jerry Bance, a member of the Conservative Party of Canada, was running for office in Toronto. He is also the owner of XPress Appliance Service, a home repair company. In 2012 was caught on a hidden video urinating in a customer's coffee cup while on a service call. When the video recently came to light, Bance issued the following statement by way of apology:

"I deeply regret my actions on that day. I take great pride in my work and the footage from that day does not reflect who I am as a professional or a person."

No matter. A Conservative Party spokesman said Bance "is no longer a candidate." Here's hoping Bance didn't piss away his life savings on his campaign, because I suspect his appliance repair company is circling the drain right about now.
