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Betrayal at House on the Hill – play if you dare

Betrayal at House on the Hill is a board game that takes place in a haunted mansion. You and your friends must explore the mansion to discover its dark secrets. But you should tread carefully as one of you might be a traitor.

The game starts out as cooperative, in which players explore the abandoned mansion to find omens, trigger events and pick up items. This continues until the ‘Haunt’ phase starts. The Haunt is triggered by the omen cards. Every time an omen card is picked up, the player must roll the dice and try to score more than the collective omens currently on the board. If the player fails the Haunt starts and then, depending on the omen, one player will take on the roll of the Spider-Queen, Witch, Demon, Zombie Lord or Werewolf and the rest will fight for survival.

This is a really fun game for anyone interested in horror. It’s interesting, different and will always keep you guessing. Every play through the mansion will be different. Couple this with random card picks, twelve characters to choose from and over 50 scenarios you can play, and this game equals great replay value. However, it isn’t perfect. The Haunt will sometimes favor one side or the other, which can make it next to impossible to win, so it can be a little unbalanced.

The quality of the game is great. There are six miniatures (all colored), and each has a character’s sheet printed on glossed cardboard. The tiles are solid, strikingly eerie and excellent quality. The sliders, which keep track of your stats, is the only drawback. They’re not well-fitted and slide off the card pretty easily. It can play up to 6 players (three being the minimum) and plays about 1-2 hours, depending on the amount of players you have.

– Engela Snyman

Betrayal at House on the Hill

by Wizards of the Coast

Ages 12 and up, 3-6 players

$34 Buy a copy on Amazon

See more photos at Wink Fun.

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