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Driver tries to kick cyclist, takes a Superman pratfall

Ah, the schadenfreude of pratfalls by angry men. It all starts when a car passes too close to a cyclist, who catches up to the driver and confronts him. What follows is a fairly textbook road rage shouting match, at least until the driver accidentally sputters “PUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT,” and then runs after the cyclist to kick him—but only ends up taking a glorious, glorious pratfall.

If we learn anything from this video, it’s that road rage is incredibly embarrassing, but also that the phrase “PUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT” should live forever.

It’s worth reading this in-depth analysis of the video over at Vice, which pays particular attention to the moment where the driver goes soaring into the air:

This is a moment that stretches for infinity. It is a moment of high beauty and art. Has 2015 rendered a moment more perfect than this? It has not. This moment should be blown-up large and put in a museum for the ages. You should have to pay a $15 entry fee and line up for hours just to see this moment. Security guards should stand on either side of this moment with walkie talkies. Sophisticated thieves should be trying to steal this moment through a prison of lasers. Forgers should be trying to render it anew on the cheap. This is our Mona Lisa.

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