10 happy hamster videos


Bookmark this page for your next bad acid trip, or perhaps an evening when you've bitten off more pot cookie than you could handle, or maybe the day after Donald Trump becomes president.

All these “Happy Hammy” videos are the wonderful creations of Jaieden Ace Shen, who works in care for the cognitively disabled in Singapore.

1) “A lazy weekend for Enoki, chillin' on her hammock.”

2) “Little Enoki won't sleep in her little bed until she gets a massage first.”

3) “bath, lullaby & snack time for my furbabies

4) “super-kawaii-rainbow-unicorn-riding-hammy

5) “Bunapi can eat anywhere even on the toilet

6) “Sweet treats & massages for my spoilt little ones

7) “Mushi falls deep-asleep on my hand

8) “woke poor little Mushi up

9) “Greedy Little Mushi & Bunapi won't share their food

10) “Just snackin