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Play the world's largest version of Minesweeper, maybe

Ah, Minesweeper. One of the most popular and frustrating puzzle games of the ’80s is about to have its 30th anniversary. To honor this occasion the company Cinemassive has created the MINESWEEPER SUPER CHALLENGE, which involves clearing 38,799 mines from a massive board that stretches across 24 high-definition screens. On expert mode.

Only ten people will ultimately be given the opportunity to participate, and even Cinemassive seems to recognize that this will only end in the wailing and gnashing of teeth, as the promotional video features a man beating his keyboard furiously on the ground, and then hurling it offscreen into the darkness. All this awaits you, in the Minesweeper Super Challenge.

The terms and conditions note, terrifyingly, that “total playing time is limited to no more than 12 hours per individual.” This is nearly 12 hours longer than anyone should reasonably play Minesweeper, but reason is clearly not the defining factor in this experience. You can apply for your golden ticket to frustration here.

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