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Soda Pop Soldier, a novel of what is far too likely to come, by Nick Cole

Soda Pop Soldier

I remember the Cola Wars, I lost so many friends. Nick Cole offers a fantastic look at the future of advertising.

Nick Cole’s Wasteland saga is amazing. When I realized his Soda Pop Soldier was a take on one of my favorite odd advertising campaigns, the Cola Wars, I had to read it.

In the future, Brands will sponsor massive armies to earn them advertising space in online combat arenas. To win the hearts and minds of the consumer, you’ll have to win in the virtual field. Naturally, when the real and virtual worlds collide, gamer PerfectQuestion is caught in middle and has to decide what to really fight for.

Pumping action, and fantastic futuristic battle is matched with a take on modern advertising that I can’t help but love. I’m really impressed with how well Cole writes action, I did not want to put this down!

Soda Pop Soldier: A Novel via Amazon

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