Astronaut/musician Chris Hadfield's album recorded in space

Chris Hadfield - Feet Up - Official Lyric Video


Chris Hadfield, astronaut, author, and musician, will release the first album partially recorded in space.

Titled "Space Sessions: Songs from a Tin Can," will of course include his famed cover of Bowie's "Space Oddity" and also his own original tunes like this one, titled "Feet Up."

“It’s hard to play guitar on a spaceship, because there’s nothing to hold the guitar stable,” Hadfield told The Globe and Mail. “Almost always, the guitar slips in your hands. If you’re a guitar player, I tell people to try playing while standing on your head.

And about his singing voice, he commented "There’s no gravity to pull the fluid out of your head. So you always have a full head and swollen tongue and vocal cords."

And here's that Bowie tune:

Space Oddity