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Best podcast episode ever – Mystery Show Case #3: Belt Buckle


In the 1980s a nine-year-old boy found an elaborate belt buckle on a Phoenix street. It had a chef’s hat, a frying pan with eggs (painted yellow and white), a corkscrew, and a toaster with tiny pieces of toast that pop out when you flick a tiny switch. Truly a magical thing for kid to find in a gutter. The belt buckle was inscribed with the name “Hans Jordi.” The boy gave the belt buckle to friend, and that friend hung on to it for decades.

The Mystery Show Podcast is a show that helps people solve everyday mysteries. I love it. In this episode (which ran in June) host and co-producer Starlee Kine helps her friend, the person in possession of the belt buckle, attempt to track down Hans Jordi and return the belt buckle to him. It’s wonderful, emotional story, and I’m not going to say anything more about it. I think it might be the best single podcast episode I’ve heard.

Mystery Show Case #3: Belt Buckle

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