WATCH: 1000 rockers cover Foo Fighters' Learn to Fly to bring band to town

Learn to Fly - Foo Fighters Rockin'1000 Official Video

Fans wanted the Foo Fighters to come to Cesena, Italy, so they made this amazing cover of 1000 musicians rocking out to "Learn to Fly."

From their site:

The Foo Fighters are not in Romagna since 1997, it's time to get them back, but we need a crazy idea.
We have to organize something that kicks ass worldwide and can be seen by Dave Grohl : we will ask one thousand rockers to play one of their songs, all together and at the same time. The idea starts from Fabio Zaffagnini, who contacts Claudia Spadoni, Anita Rivaroli and Martina Pieri: in one week, the core of the team is set.

The Rockin' 1000
