Don Joyce of Negativland, RIP


Experimental musician Don Joyce, a key member of collage sound collective Negativland, has died at age 71. Joyce was a committed copyfight activist and artist who coined the phrase "culture jamming."

From Negativland:

Creating art was not only Don’s full-time pursuit, it was literally his life’s work. He had made it clear to the group as recently as a few weeks ago that he was happy and satisfied with what he had been able to achieve in his life, and were he not able to continue to work, his life would feel as good as over.

Don Joyce’s singular editing style was laced with profundity and silliness in equal measure. His work was that of a dada humanist, able to wring unforgettable sentiments and statements out of material which originally spoke something entirely different. Hugely inspired by both the droll radio of Bob and Ray and the reckless free-form of the Firesign Theatre, he created a wicked language of repurposed purple prose which has inspired legions of other collage artists over the past three decades. He was the father of the form. One need only to listen to his work on “Time Zones” (on the Escape from Noise album) or “Piece of Pie” (in the No Business CD/book) to immediately tune into his unique wavelength.

"Don Joyce (2/9/44 – 7/22/15)"

Below, "Time Zones," a Joyce/Negativland classic from 1987:

Negativland - "Time Zones"