WATCH: Lightsaber Academy trains Jedi young and old

The most realistic lightsaber dueling experience in Singapore (by The Saber Authority)

If you happen to be in Singapore and want to learn how to wield a lightsaber like a Jedi master, check out this fun video by The Saber Authority.

From their site:

All our sessions are based on actual martial arts. We will guide you through the foundation strikes and footwork, building up to more advanced techniques in use in single saber, double saber and saber staff dueling. Once you have the basics down, dueling with fellow saber combatants will no longer just be random swings in front of each other. You will be able to see attack lines, striking flows, weaknesses in your opponent defense and attack combinations.

Here are even more duel videos from their site. Looks like fun!


The Saber Authority