Boing Boing Staging

Time-capsule: hi-rez scans of 1946 Toronto Star funny-pages pull-out

Zack writes, “Cartoonist John Martz was contacted by a woman who found a nearly 20-page comics section from 1946 under her floorboards while doing a home renovation. He scanned every one of the classic Sunday [ed: pretty sure the Star ran its comics on Saturdays] comics featured therein, including TERRY AND THE PIRATES, FLASH GORDON, MANDRAKE THE MAGICIAN and SUPERMAN.”

“Enjoy full-page Sunday comics by great illustrators to get a sense of what newspapers were once like — or just the BLONDIE strip where, as John puts it, ‘Dagwood and Herb get stoned.'”

There’s even a Superman strip, which is great and recursive, given that Siegel and Shuster based the Daily Planet on the Toronto Star!

Toronto Star Weekly comics supplement, Oct 12, 1946. [John Martz/Flickr]

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