Beautiful microscope photographs of drugs, legal and illegal: LSD, caffeine, GHB, meth, and more.
Xeni Jardin
MDMA Crystals ∅ Cross polarisation microscope with 200x enlargement. Photo: Maurice Mikkers/Medium.
In Medium’s wonderful “Micrograph Stories” series, several spectacular photo-set of legal and illegal drugs, as revealed through microscope photographs.
Maurice Mikkers says the experience of photographing these illicit compounds sparked his interest in researching the online drug trade.
Caffeine crystals; formed out of 100% caffeine powder dissolved in demineralised water, made visible by using a cross polarised light microscope with an Berek filter. Photo: Maurice Mikkers/Medium.
∢ LSD Crystals ∅ Cross polarisation microscope with 40X enlargement. Photo: Maurice Mikkers/Medium.
∢ GHB Crystals ∅ Cross polarisation microscope with 100X enlargement. Photo: Maurice Mikkers/Medium.
∢ Amphetamine Crystals ∅ Cross polarisation microscope with 40X enlargement. Photo: Maurice Mikkers/Medium.
∢ 2C-B Crystals ∅ Cross polarisation microscope with 200x enlargement. Photo: Maurice Mikkers/Medium.