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Why Facebook changed its friends icon

Caitlin Winner, design manager at Facebook, explains why she gave Facebook’s friends icon a much needed update:

Next, I was moved to do something about the size and order of the female silhouette in the ‘friends icon’. As a woman, educated at a women’s college, it was hard not to read into the symbolism of the current icon; the woman was quite literally in the shadow of the man, she was not in a position to lean in.

My first idea was to draw a double silhouette, two people of equal sizes without a hard line indicating who was in front. Dozens of iterations later, I abandoned this approach after failing to make an icon that didn’t look like a two headed mythical beast. I placed the lady, slightly smaller, in front of the man.

When she says “slightly smaller,” she means it:

Do you have your own ideas for a redesign? Post them in the comments!

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