Timelapse 4K video: Thai street vendor makes ice cream rolls

Ice Cream in Thailand! [in 4K]

YouTuber Max Lee got a great 4K grab of how street vendors make ice cream by hand in hot and humid Thailand. The secret: nitrogen.

If you want to try it yourself and don't have a nitrogen cooling system handy, Modernist Cuisine suggests a block of dry ice under a baking steel that's been in the freezer.

Get fancy by shaving the ice cream into rolls. To make ice-cream rolls, use a chilled, homemade ice-cream base, or melt down some store-bought ice cream. Some bases, such as sorbets, can freeze up too hard, too quickly. In these cases, add a ripe banana. The banana softens the frozen product and creates a pliable texture ideal for curling. In fact, in the recipe below, we’ve made curls using just frozen banana and kiwi. Experiment with other fruits that are naturally creamy, such as persimmon, cherimoya, and avocado.


Max Lee said of his own adventure with his daughter Peony:

The other night at Night Bazaar I noticed a big sign with YouTube and 2.6 million views. This is the YouTube’s most famous ice cream in Thailand. (see original video here). Well, since I brought my Panasonic GH4 with me, I figured I would make a quick 4K video for y’all. Now, if I can just get Peony to share me some of the ice cream…

Ice Cream in Thailand![photoravels.com]
