Man tries to wear high heels for a day, fails

Dude Tries To Wear High Heels For An Entire Day

"I'm already in so much pain," he says, leaving the house in the morning. "It's astounding."

After mocking women for complaining about the shoes they feel expected to wear, Brandon Cohen, a video correspondent for BroBible, agreed to find out for himself what it was like. He made it through the workday, but quit before dinner: "it was the worst day of my life."

"I literally can't stand anymore. My legs are shaking," he says.

"This is Chinese foot binding but in modern form."

And by 7:15 pm, he throws in the towel and is walking barefoot, just like the "disgusting girls" he criticises in his article who walk without shoes on grimy pavements.

Brandon admits that he had plans to go dance at a bar and "do a bunch of other stupid sh*t" but says he is "in way too much pain".

"I am going to go take some Advil and go to sleep," he adds.