Texas Instruments graphic calclulator boots Android

Android on the TI nSpire -- Lunar Lander Demo

It's only Android 1.6, but still, that's impressive! Naturally, the sourcefiles are on Github.

The Nspire CX is one of the more robust graphing calculators on the market. Its 320×240 3.5" color screen, 100MB of storage, and 64MB of RAM are pretty paltry when compared to even the earliest Android phones (the original HTC G1 had 256MB of storage and 192MB of RAM). But it's apparently juuuuuust enough to run Android 1.6 "Donut." Josh Max has made rapid progress on his pet project, quickly adding keyboard support and Wi-Fi functionality via the add-on USB dongle.


Someone Got Android 1.6 Running On A Texas Instruments Graphing Calculator, OnePlus One Owners Feel Strangely Jealous [Michael Crider/Android Police]

(Thanks, Michaela!)