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115-year-old woman tells us how she does it: 6 tips for happiness and longevity



One of only two living people born in the 1800s, Susannah Mushatt Jones just became the oldest person in the world at age 115.

Born July 6, 1899, Jones grew up in Alabama, and after traveling the world now lives with a caregiver in Brooklyn, NY.

Although blinded by glaucoma, her doctors say she is quite healthy and lucid, and in fact seems to be “reverse aging.”

Over the last four years, her hair changed from gray to brown and softened. When she was 96, she grew a tooth — not a wisdom tooth, not an impacted tooth, but a new tooth — in her lower jaw. She’s a medical marvel.

So what are some of her secrets? Besides being a woman (90% of people who live past 100 are women), and besides good genes, here are 6 other lifestyle choices that may have spurred Jones’ longevity:

  1. No alcohol or smoking
  2. Has a sense of humor
  3. Eats mostly fruit all day, with bacon, eggs and grits for breakfast
  4. Enjoys naps
  5. Always surrounded by family
  6. Wears sexy lingerie (even now!)

In just 2-1/2 weeks Jones will be celebrating her 116th birthday.

Read more of her story here.

Jones was born in Alabama before moving to New York.

Ms. Jones says she has avoided alcohol and cigarettes her entire life, but admits to enjoying bacon daily.

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