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Fox News and neo-Nazi site call racist massacre an attack on Christianity


Most people, including the police and the FBI, are calling 21-year-old suspected terrorist Dylann Roof’s message to black people (“You rape our women, and you’re taking over the country. And you have to go”) pure racist hatred.

But Fox News says what Roof really meant when he made that threat and then carried it out by killing nine black people in a Charleston, South Carolina church was that he hated Christians.

It was a “horrifying attack on faith,” said Fox & Friends co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck. “If we aren’t safe in our own churches, then where are we safe?” Her co-host Steve Doocy agreed, “Extraordinarily they called it a hate crime. And some look at it as, well, it’s because it was a white guy, apparently, and a black church. But you made a great point just a moment ago about the hostility toward Christians, and it was in a church, so maybe that’s what it was about.” Doocy told this to was a pastor on the show who said it would be a good idea for pastors to arm themselves in church.

The level of reality distortion in this video clip from the show is extraordinary. This is one of the clearest examples I’ve seen that reveals Fox News’ true agenda as a racist hate network.

White supremacists share Hasselbeck and Doocy’s concerns. From Huffington Post:

White supremacists who convened on the neo-Nazi site voiced similarly aspirational speculation, suggesting that the shooting’s location might indicate anti-Christian violence. They also expressed worries that if the shooting did turn out to be an act of racism, the white nationalist movement would suffer.

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