Owner of "Relentlessly Gay" yard raising money to make yard MOAR GHEY

When Baltimore's Julie Baker hung some rainbow-colored solar lights in her yard, a helpful neighbor slipped a charming note through her door chastising her for her "Relentlessly Gay" yard, threatening to call the police unless it came into compliance with the "Christian" neighborhood ethic.

The lanterns spelled out "Ohana" and "Love."

Baker (a widow with four kids and, for the record, not actually gay) posted the note, whence it was widely shared, its popularity due to a perfect mix of toxic homophobia and poor capitalization. Baker piled victory on victory by launching a Gofundme campaign to raise money for more gay lawn-tchotchkes. She was seeking $5,000 and is presently sitting on over $12,000, with more, doubtless, to come.

Needless to say… I need more rainbows… Many, many more rainbows….

So, I am starting this fundraiser so I can work to make my Home even More "relentlessly gay" If we go high enough, I will see if I can get a Rainbow Roof!

Because my invisible relentlessly gay rainbow dragon should live up there in style!

Gone viral: Baltimore resident wants to make 'relentlessly gay' yard more relentless, gayer [Richard Gorelick and Quinn Kelley/Baltimore Sun]

Relentlessly Gay [Gofundme]