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UK Stingray surveillance: you can't know why we're spying on you

The UK has at least 20 operating Stingrays — fake mobile phone towers that record the movements of whole populations — used without any paper-trail, and
configured to listen in on conversations.

But don’t worry, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe swears he’s not listening in on everyone, because he can’t afford
to. Yet. Also, we’re not allowed to know how they work or what they’re doing with them, because “it would defeat the purpose of having the
tactics in the first place.” But in case there’s any doubt, “what we need to do is intrusive, it is uncomfortable.”

Met Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe would not confirm or deny that his force was using the technology, telling the channel that “the only people who benefit are the other side, and I see no reason in giving away that sort of thing”.

…Scotland Yard was said to have bought some of the IMSI towers in 2009 and began using them last November, according to reports, although it is the first time evidence has been found that they are operational. Keith Bristow, the director-general of the National Crime Agency, said: “Some of what we would like to talk about to get the debate informed and logical, we can’t, because it would defeat the purpose of having the tactics in the first place. Frankly, some of what we need to do is intrusive, it is uncomfortable, and the important thing is we set that out openly and recognise there are difficult choices to be made.”

Fake mobile phone towers found to be ‘actively listening in’ on calls in UK
[Paul Gallagher/Independent]

(via /.)

(Image: Eavesdropping ( Hello Hello anyone there ),
Julie anne Johnson, CC-BY

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