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UK schools using spyware to monitor students' ideology

The software monitors students’ communications looking for “extremist” language like “jihobbyist,” “YODO” (you only die once), and “jihadi bride.”

It’s a pilot programme in the runup to 1 July, when the Tory government’s Counter-terrorism and Security Act 2015 comes into force, after which time schools will be required to “have due regard to the need to prevent pupils being drawn into terrorism.”

Some schools are simply signalling that they are aware of the requirement to take the issue into account, while others are being more proactive. One school is east London is offering workshops on spotting signs of radicalisation.

Monega primary school in Newham has invited parents of children as young as four to a workshop on 26 June. The invitation states: “Come and join us for this session led by a social worker on how to prevent and detect radicalisation. All parents are welcome.”

Schools monitoring pupils’ web use with ‘anti-radicalisation software’ [Diane Taylor/The Guardian]

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