Star Wars Frames looks at the movies' gorgeous cinematography piece by piece

You’ve seen the movies, now see the book. Star Wars Frames collects selections of single frames from the entire Star Wars saga. This giant two volume set features a book for each trilogy. Inside you’ll find selected frames that literally show you the movie piece by piece.

This book draws attention to a dimension of filmmaking that is hard to study as it’s happening. You might remember a cool shot in The Empire Strikes Back, but until now you couldn’t marvel at the shot unless you watched the film and paused it. With Frames, the entire movie is laid out for you to experience at your own pace, letting you fully absorb the weight and technique of each shot. It’s a great look at the gorgeous cinematography at work in each film. The pages are massive, so you can see plenty of detail. If you’re a fan of Star Wars and/or filmmaking, this is a must own.

– Alex Strine

Star Wars Frames

by George Lucas

Harry N. Abrams

2013, 736 pages, 12 x 13.5 x 3.5inches

$95 Buy a copy on Amazon

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