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Kickstarting Maker History: a time-travel curriculum for kids

David Hunter (creator of the zombie currciulum units) has a new idea: teaching English, science, history and math through curriculum units that ask kids to pretend to be time-travellers.

$10 gets you a digital copy of the finished project; for $29, you can donate a book to a school.

Making History is a teaching curriculum made to engage students with a Time Travel theme, hands-on projects, and using multiple subjects. Teachers can use just one of the projects, for just one subject, or they can collaborate with other teachers and use multiple subjects to create a richer learning/teaching experience.

Every unit includes 4 projects (Math, Science, History, Language Arts) plus the Maker tutorial (a project to build and explore the discovery or invention in the unit), and a short story that sets up the time travel scenario. Each project includes:

1-2 weeks of daily lessons (including instructional materials)p>*
Pre-assessment quiz (tied to standards)p>*
Rubric for project post-assessment (tied to standards)

Making History: A K-12 Time-Travel Curriculum for Makers

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