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Apply for a Legend of Zelda college scholarship


Are you a college student who embodies the virtues of the Triforce and needs five hundred bucks for school? Then the Triforce of Wisdom scholarship might be for you.

The annual award is offered by the fan site Hidden Triforce, which requires entrants to either be current college students or graduating seniors headed for higher education. In order to qualify, you have to write a 500-2000 word essay about “a time when you have displayed an exceptional amount of courage or wisdom,” presumably the same amount that Link displays in the endless purgatory of puzzle solving, ocarina playing and Ganon battling that is his life.

Admittedly, courage and wisdom only covers two of the three triangular virtues, although I’m guessing that’s because it’s kind of weird to ask kids to write an essay about a time when they displayed an exceptional amount of power. If you’d like to enter you have until December 15. The winner will be announced on January 31, 2016.

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