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Why do we support Katniss but not Baltimore protestors?


Writer Ashley Nicole Black makes a simple comparison in an article for ATTN:

When you saw The Hunger Games, who did you root for? Katniss and her beleaguered community? Or people in the Capitol wearing pink eyelashes and obliviously eating until they vomited while the people in other districts starved? I’m going to assume the former because the movie makes it clear: The government is oppressing the people in District Twelve, and we are supposed to cheer for them as they attempt to overthrow a structure that is unfair to them.

Ok, next question: When you saw the protests in Baltimore, who did you feel for? Because if what you did was look down on the protestors for disturbing the peace, break out the rainbow wigs and sparkle mascara because you might be from the Capitol.

Black wrote her article immediately following the height of protests in Baltimore, but her calls for empathy are still relevant. She sets out to explain “Why Protestors Turn Violent” and ultimately argues, “The travesty in Baltimore right now isn’t the bricks thrown, it’s all of the institutional disparities that lead to bricks being the form of expression for an entire community.”

Read the full article on ATTN.

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