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Wil Wheaton and Ernest Cline reunite for Armada audiobook

You heard it here first: Wil Wheaton, who did a memorable job reading the audiobook version of Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One, is teaming up with Ernie again to read the audiobook version of his upcoming science fiction novel, Armada.

Wil says: “Performing audiobooks — bringing the world and the characters to life, remembering all the character voices I chose and keeping them straight in my head, getting all the pronunciations right — is both a challenge and a privilege for me. It’s also physically grueling to talk without stopping for hours a day, days at a time. When I worked on Ready Player One, I never wanted those days to end, and I couldn’t wait to get back in the studio to start back up again when they did. Ernie is a clever and talented writer. His words are as easy for me to perform as Scalzi’s are, and I am so excited to get back in the studio with his imagination and bring Armada to life.”

Ernie says: “As with Ready Player One, Wil Wheaton was my first and only choice to narrate the audiobook for my second novel, Armada. Wil has always been one of my favorite actors, and it was a huge honor to have him bring Ready Player One to life. Listening to Wil’s performance of RPO is like listening to a one-man radio play of my novel. I’m equally honored and excited to have him perform the audiobook of Armada. Wil and I are the same age, and we grew up watching, reading, listening to, and loving a lot of the same stuff, so he’s uniquely suited to bring my pop-culture savvy characters to life. ”

(By the way, the Kindle format of Ready Player One is $(removed) right now.)

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