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One monopod to rule them: the Manfrotto 680B

I wanted one monopod for all my adventures. The Manfrotto 680B has done a damn good job.

Frequently camera shake will ruin the photographs I want to take. I still, frequently, use older film cameras, and even the new ones with image stabilization are not so hot in low light situations. A tripod has always been more than I want to carry with me, but I saw so many imaginative uses for a monopod that I figured finding the right one would serve me well.

I wanted something sturdy enough for a full size Nikon (F5 or D3) but light enough I won’t mind carrying it. Hiking, camping, motorcycling or travel by plane, the Manfrotto 680B has been exactly what I want. Weighing in at 2.2 lbs, the supports extend to stand at 60″ tall when all 3 sections are open. The locking flip levers are very well made and rubber bits are also high quality. I’ve been using this unit for years and consider it a giant selfie stick for my motorcycles.

Manfrotto 680B Monopod via Amazon

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