White Detroit prosecutor to Baltimore Police on Freddie Gray protestors: “Solution. Simple. Shoot em.”


“The Assistant Prosecutor of Detroit, Teana Walsh, posted the following disturbing words on Facebook,” writes Shaun King at Daily Kos.

Here's the text:

So I am watching the news in Baltimore and see large swarms of people throwing bricks, etc at police who are fleeing from their assaults … 15 in the hospital already. Solution. Simple. Shoot em. Period. End of discussion. I don't care what causes the protestors to turn violent…what the 'they did it because' reason is…no way is this acceptable. Flipping disgusting."

Teana Walsh, right, pictured in court.

Teana Walsh, right, pictured in court.

She has reportedly resigned.

Remember, assholes who work in positions of power, it's okay to think bad thoughts, and you won't lose your job if you make decisions and take actions based on racist ideas–but for goodness sakes, don't post them on Facebook.