Florida Man spots Reptilian Humanoid Alien inside car, takes photos


The “entity” was maneuvering a Kia Spectra last February. “The rearview mirror, I think, has a reptilian staring back at my camera as I take a pic from my car,” says the eyewitness.

The incident report:

Rearview mirror i think has a reptilian staring back at my camera as i take a pic from my car behind it. I couldnt see the rearview mirror at the time and saw later when i zoomed in on the photo. I was taking a picture of the huge monster logo decal which i had heard in the news a woman claiming it was a symbol for 666. They were goofing on the woman in the story on the howard stern show. I thought it was weird to have a huge logo on your car and then later noticed another set of numbers in the license plate that made me think that maybe that lady wasnt so crazy.

It's harder to see on the phone, but my laptop shows that ambient glow behind the huge yellow(?) right eye that reminds me of my cats eyes in certain lighting. Also I believe i see a glassy highlight of white light reflection on the lower part of the same eyeball. It's almost clearer to me when unedited because the lines aren't pixelated and distorted by the high contrast and i can see the gradients where I would expect them to be on huge eyes. I see the vertical black slits for pupils. And the folds of skin in the right places for the thick heavy eyelids and weird scaly protrusions in the middle of the forehead. Finally, the eyes/pupils are where I would expect them to be since they are looking at my hand outside my window holding up my camera. And the alien looks like it's frowning from the mouth turned downward and the forehead area looking twisted from stress.

Seems legit.



[via Fark.]