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Crowdfunding a democratic free school in Dallas

Isabel writes, “Makarios Community School is the project of what is already a very successful and enthusiastic learning co-op of twenty homeschooling families in the Dallas Fort Worth area with thirty students ready to enroll.”

This new free and democratic school will be following in the footsteps of Sudbury Valley School and more than thirty Sudbury schools in the United States and across the globe.

Since 1968, Sudbury Valley School has built a long standing reputation as a place where children grow to be successful adults without much of the structure that we associate with traditional schooling. A very high proportion, over 80% of its graduates, go on to colleges and universities of their own choice. However, the greatest accomplishment of a Sudbury education has to do with enabling students to live independent and authentic lives.

Makarios Community School [Indiegogo]

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