A guide to digital policy in Britain's forthcoming elections


What do the main parties say they will do in the digital realm if they're elected? tl;dr Tories are plainly ignorant of technological reality, Labour adds meaningless platitudes, Lib-Dems offer some milquetoast sanity, and UKIP wants foreigners put on a registry.

Glyn Moody sums up:

The political parties' manifestos offer a fascinating snapshot not just of the respective interests of different groups, but also of digital technology's march towards the center of politics. Nowadays, you can tell a lot about a party by looking at how it proposes to address the complex new issues being raised by the Internet and its impact on society, which makes perusing the full manifestos a worthwhile preparation for voting in the imminent UK General Election.

If you are eligible to vote, don't forget to use that power to help shape the next UK government's digital policies. It's not often the public is given this option: use it while you can.

Photo: Clive Darra (cc)