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The Galapagos Incident, free science fiction thriller for Kindle

The Galapagos Incident: A Science Fiction Thriller (The Interplanetary War Series Book 1)

This dark, fast-paced space thriller was a fantastic read. The Galapagos Incident is wonderful first installment from author Felix R. Savage, and it is free!

Realistic uses of science, surprising plot twists and a great lead character, Elfrida Goto drew me into The Galapagos Incident. Elfrida has the lousy job of evicting squatters from asteroids when an attack on her home base draws her into an interstellar conflict. Now, she is teamed up with a crew of questionable characters and trying to save the very people she was sent to evict.

There are some editing errors in this. There are also a few longish periods of slow exposition. Regardless, I enjoyed this novel and will be reading the next in the series!

The Galapagos Incident: A Science Fiction Thriller (The Interplanetary War Series Book 1) free for Kindle

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