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The Apocalypse Survivors: The Undead World Novel 2

The Apocalypse Survivors: The Undead World Novel 2 (The Undead World Series)

Main characters continue to die, and living humans remain the scariest evil in Peter Meredith’s continuing zombie adventure, The Apocalypse Survivors.

Wow! The Apocalypse Survivors has really built on the first novel in this series! I enjoy how Meredith shows us just how ugly the standard, everyday problems of the United States will be when fueled by a zombie apocalypse. In this, his second book, race wars, rape, cults and cowardice rule the land. Fantastic new characters are introduced, because they have to… we’re losing everyone we love!

These are adult novels but not done in a disgusting or horrible manner. The some characters are cartoony, and perhaps have to be, while others highly relatable. I am finding the mix right for gripping, keep me up til the book is done zombie fiction.

The Apocalypse Survivors: The Undead World Novel 2 (The Undead World Series) via Amazon

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