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Doctor Who’s Christopher Eccleston speaks about onscreen inequality


Christopher Eccleston is one of the best (and most underrated) Doctors in Doctor Who history. And in a new interview with Radio Times, he proves he’s an all around good dude too. In the portion of the interview released online, he talks about why it was important that his Doctor speak with Eccleston’s natural Northern accent: “I wanted to move him away from the RP (received pronunciation) for the first time because we shouldn’t make a correlation between intellect and accent, although that still needs addressing”.

Eccleston also talks about the lack of diversity in film and TV: “You can’t blame Eddie Redmayne or Benedict Cumberbatch but inequality will lead to a milky, anodyne culture. To an extent that’s already happened.”

He adds:

There’s not enough writing for women or people of colour. It frustrates me when they insist on doing all-male Shakespearean productions– a wonderful intellectual exercise, maybe, but it’s outrageous because it’s putting a lot of women out of work.

It’s great when prominent actors talk about these kinds of issues, and the sad reality is that sometimes these complaints carry more weight when they come from white men. So good on Eccleston for adding his voice to the mix. It’s, in a word, fantastic.

[h/t Radio Times]

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