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Chess grandmaster accused of cheating with iPhone in toilet


Raising suspicions with his frequent trips to the bathroom, Gaioz Nigalidze was searched to no avail. But when they checked the stalls, they found a hidden iPhone. Running a chess app. With his current game set up. Logged into his Facebook account.

Abdul Rahim removed Nigalidze from the tournament and is sending a report to the International Chess Federation. It has had to create a commission to deal with the growing problems with cheating. In fact, this is not the first time cheating has been attempted.

An American player in 2002 tried the same approach in checking a chess simulation during trips to the bathroom. Indian player Umakant Sharma was caught cheating in 2006 using a small Bluetooth headpiece hidden inside his cloth cap. In 2008, the Dubai Chess Club banned an Iranian player after it was discovered he was receiving text messages from a friend watching a live stream of the game, according to Endgadget’s [sic] Mariella Moon.

A three-year suspension from international competition awaits Nigalidze if the accusations are confirmed.

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