Boing Boing Staging

Play it now: Apocalypse Gardening


I love when games make you balance two sides of your brain at once. It’s not because I’m good at it — actually, some kind of schismatic asymmetry opens up and I very quickly lose my sense of myself. But I think that space feels interesting, and Apocalypse Gardening shoots right into it.

The charming simplicity of its few colors and cute sprites is at odds with how quickly you’re plunged into action: Your character has a gun in one hand, a watering can in the other, and you’ve got to hold off assault from bubblegum monsters while you tend flowers to nurture your own health bar.

I’d have had an easier time of it with a traditional twin-stick controller, but I almost prefer the tricksy un-coordination of a keyboard and mouse (keyboard and trackpad is probably too much to ask, though). I think there should be a spatial logic gap between gardening and shooting, between the gentle pace at which flowers spring up and the ruthless speed of the enemy assault.

Apocalypse Gardening, a free little download, is made by moppin and nemk, two creators from Japan. moppin is currently at work on the absurdly-exciting Downwell, out this year. Def keep an eye on that.

Thanks to Venus Patrol, our spiritual cousin, for the recommendation!

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