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Quite Contrary, a violence prone Little Red Riding Hood


Grumpy, stubborn, and sarcastic, Richard Robert’s Mary Stuart is one pissed off 12 year old Little Red Riding Hood. Quite Contrary is a fantastic horror that turns fairy tales upside down.

I really enjoyed Robert’s Please Don’t Tell My Parents I’m a Supervillan. Quite Contrary is another great read. Mary has met the Wolf and it is she. Caught in the story of Little Red Riding Hood, with the help of Rat and Scarecrow, Mary is determined to find a different ending.

This is a hard hitting and twisted horror told from the point of view of a 12 year old girl. She’s no normal 12 year old, however, and this is no normal fairy tale. The running dialog in Mary’s head is fantastic, but this is not happy ending kind of a book. Don’t buy it for younger teens.

Quite Contrary is available free via Kindle Unlimited.

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