Watch Kazuya Murata, competitive yo-yo's child prodigy

2015WJ Preliminary 1A 09 Kazuya Murata

Murata aka YoYoBaby is becoming a YoYoMan before our eyes as he continues to refine his remarkable yo-yo skills. He's a child prodigy who burst on the scene several years ago.

Here's YoYoBaby in 2014 doing some great slack string tricks:

2014WJ Final 1A 06 Kazuya Murata

Here are some impressive spin moves:

2014YYRFC 1A 16 Kazuya Murata

NOTE: For some reason, the music of choice for all yo-yo competitors appears to be derivative dance club music, so be prepared. That said, jit goin' ham on that yo-yo, yo.